Donors respond to emergency need in Nicaragua

September 30, 2020

We turned to supporters to raise funds for emergency need in Nicaragua—and donors respond, rapidly helping 100 families in need.

Image of three adults standing at the edge of a road. A child stands with them, next to a cardboard box and a row of seedlings wrapped in plastic.
Juan González, Maura Mejía, Elisa Obec González and her daughter in La Ceiba, Madriz, Nicaragua

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, our partners in Central America alerted us that health restrictions were causing new challenges for SeedChange-supported farmers.

Food prices were rising. Supply chains had ground to a halt. Farmers urgently needed to get their planting season underway but were unable to access the seeds they needed to get started.

Donors respond to emergency need in Nicaragua: An woman with her hair tied back and a small smile on her face holds a translucent bag of goods.
Santos Pérez Bautista in El Capulín, Madriz, Nicaragua

The situation threatened to trigger a long term food crisis. Our local partner organizations were well placed to help farmers access stopgap supplies, but they needed emergency resources to deploy quickly.

Donors respond to emergency need in Nicaragua: a crowd of about 10 masked people stand at the back of a pick up truck. Plastic bins full of something green are in the back of the truck and on the ground in front of the truck.

So in May, we turned to SeedChange supporters.

Donors respond to emergency need in Nicaragua

Donors responded generously. Thanks to their quick action, 100 families made highly vulnerable by the situation in Nicaragua received the seeds and seedlings they needed to start their season.

A man in a baseball cap holds a folder of papers and is writing in pen on it. He sits with his back against the base of a post and looks up toward the camera. A bag of goods and about 10 seedlings are next to him.
Santos Manuel Miranda, Santo Domingo, Nicaragua

Donor funds also made it possible for them to create new communal seed production plots. These plots will allow communities to grow and distribute their own local seeds, giving these rural family greater protection against the risk of future seed shortages.

Donors respond to emergency need in Nicaragua: Three adults and a baby are together. On the left, an older woman sits in a plastic chair. Two younger adults crouch on the ground with the baby and smile toward the camera.

In these difficult times, donor support made a world of difference for them.

Thank you to SeedChange donors!