
SeedChange is a registered Canadian charity.

Our official charitable registration number is 11927-6129-RR-0001

Our address is 56 Sparks Street, Suite 600, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5B1

SeedChange was founded as the Unitarian Service Committee of Canada in 1945 by Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova. In the late 1990’s,  our legal name was shortened to USC Canada.

We officially changed our legal name to SeedChange in 2019. As part of our official name change, we received a “certificate of continuance” which means we are able to continue accepting donations and bequests made to any of our previous names. This means we retain, in perpetuity, the ability to receive cheques and gifts to any of our previous names.

If you would like to include a gift to SeedChange in your will, we provide sample language.

If you require any other information, or have any other questions, please contact Katie Breen at / 1.800.565.6872 x 234.