Food and farming expertise, rooted in here and abroad

SeedChange’s spokespeople are available to comment on breaking news related to food policy, healthy food production, sustainable agriculture, seeds, and farmers’ rights. We can also help you connect with Canadian farmers and farmers’ organizations around the world.

Our spokespeople

Leticia Ama Deawuo

Executive Director, SeedChange

Ama is a leading activist for food justice with more than 15 years of grassroots and organizational experience in the food movement.

She offers a unique perspective and expertise on food sovereignty, agroecology and food justice, thanks to her childhood spent on a small-scale farm in Ghana and her many years working in Toronto’s Jane and Finch community as an organizer and leader for food justice.



Beatriz Oliver

Director, International Programs

Beatriz is a cultural anthropologist with a specialization in participatory research and sustainable agriculture. Thanks to her work with SeedChange’s partners around the world, Beatriz offers insightful perspectives on how current practices in the food system affect farmers, our food supply, and our common future.

A natural educator, Beatriz brings life to complicated agricultural concepts through storytelling and examples from small-scale farmers she has met and worked with.

Available for English, French and Spanish interviews


Aabir Dey

Director, The Bauta Initiative on Canadian Seed Security

Expertise on Canadian seed security, seed policy and farmers’ rights delivered in accessible terms, with examples from small-scale farmers and seed producers across the country.

