You’ve always believed in a better tomorrow.

Picture it: a world where everyone, everywhere, has healthy food to eat. Where we comfort and empower each other. Where farmers live dignified lives and nature yields abundance. It is possible.

Leaving a gift to SeedChange in your will makes your legacy one of hope, resilience and commitment to growing a better world. SeedChange’s circle of loyal supporters has been expanding for more than 75 years. Like a tree adding a new ring each passing year, our community continues to grow around the strong core of its earliest supporters.

When you decide to leave a legacy gift to SeedChange, you become part of this Growing Circle.

Download our Growing Circle brochure


“Do I have to update my will to reflect your name change?”

We retain the legal ability to receive legacy gifts made in all our prior names. 

You don’t need to make any changes if you have already included one of the following names in your will: USC Canada, Unitarian Service Committee of Canada, USC Foundation, Unitarian Service Committee of Canada Foundation, or Lotta Hitschmanova Legacy FundThank you for your generous commitment!

Read our full legacy giving FAQ

Join our Growing Circle and support future generations

It’s easy to join thousands of Canadians who are committed to leaving the world “a kinder, better place for all.” Simply contact your lawyer and ask them to draft, revise, or add a “codicil” to your will. Your lawyer can use this sample text.

Adding SeedChange to your will is financially advantageous: a charitable tax receipt will lower or even eliminate estate taxes. It is also a confidential matter. We won’t be notified. If you would like to let us know of your intent to leave a bequest, please call or mail us this confidential form.

Thank you for including future generations of farmers in your will.

Like a precious seed, your gift will yield comfort and peace of mind for farmers and their families, year after year. Find out more about our commitment to you.

Legacy giving resources

Frequently asked questions

Learn how SeedChange will use your bequest, and more.

Read the FAQ

Legal how-to

Here’s how to add SeedChange to your will and sample wording to get you started.

Read our how-to

Legacy gift confirmation form

This optional form helps you notify us of your intent to make a legacy gift and allows us to thank you personally.

Download the form

Your inspiration

What does your legacy mean to you? If you feel comfortable, share your inspiration for leaving a gift in your will.

Download the form

Would you prefer to read this on paper?

To request physical copies of any of these forms, or our whole Growing Circle package, please contact:

Katie Breen, Manager of Donor Engagement
or call 1-800-565-6872 ext. 234