Learn more about SeedChange’s most recent International program
Rural Women Cultivating Change
Implemented in remote rural regions of Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Kenya, the Rural Women Cultivating Change (RWCC) project is shifting the cultural attitudes, systems and structures that limit the potential of young and adult rural women smallholder farmers, particularly female heads of households, and survivors of gender based violence.
Project activities, led by local organizations, are creating space and capacity for women to take control of their lives, advocate for themselves and others, and take leadership roles within their communities and beyond.
The project is using gender-transformative and participatory leadership approaches, as well as interventions aimed at preventing and responding to sexual and gender based violence (SGBV). The RWCC is also promoting agroecology as the basis for sustainable and equitable resource management for agricultural production, access to markets and overall decision-making. By doing so, the project is already, in its first years, contributing to poverty alleviation through reduced personal and collective vulnerability to socio-economic and climate shocks.
Key Project Documents:
Logic Model for the RWCC (2021-2027)
Summary of Participants & Others Reached (April 1, 2022- Mar 31, 2023)
Rural Women Cultivating Change program, by the numbers
rural farmers will directly benefit from this program
million project
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