PELUM and TGNP team members are addressing the systemic barriers to microcredit access based on the new national regulations. There are activities that encourage dialogue and discussion around women’s rights at varying scales, and how it relates to their own lived, everyday experiences.
A National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children (NPA-VAWC) was launched in 2017 in Tanzania. TGNP and PELUM are addressing gaps in the plan including: reinforcing household economic development, preventing SGBV, creating safe environments for women and children, investing in SGBV support services and reporting, and coordinating a monitoring strategy for the plan.
TGNP and PELUM are addressing the ongoing challenges with rain-fed crop production, limited market access, and the gendered conditions in which farming and food work operates. Strengthening investments in access to food production and preservation of seeds, and responding to the need for community seed banks are guiding specific project activities each season. The Seed Security Assessment and Action Planning is key to the RWCC in Tanzania as was undertaken in February 2023.